De Scheepsbouwers Maritiem

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: De Scheepsbouwers Maritiem

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Established in 1981, Scheepsbouwers Maritiem (SBM) is a well-equipped shipyard, specialised in the construction of steel quality yachts with timeless designs. It offers various yacht models in its range as well as semi-custom yachts.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: De Haer Nautique

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Sailors who wish to sell their boat from their own private berth are welcome at De Haer Nautique. In 2003 the company became the first yacht broker in Northern Europe to start selling luxury motoryachts in the medium and high price range (up to € 750,000, with an average of € 100,000) independently and actively from the owner’s berth.

Saillogix: de betrouwbare partner in het vervoer van uw jacht

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Saillogix kan het vervoer van en naar Nederland regelen en is gespecialiseerd in het wereldwijd vervoeren van jachten. Waar het nieuwe schip ook ligt.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: De Gier Maritiem

Leestijd: 4 minuten
The maintenance and refit of yachts involves a combination of expertise in various disciplines. De Gier Maritiem take this work off clients’ shoulders. The family business has been offering a total package of services for over a decade with a constant focus on quality and personal service. The yard’s motto is ‘we take care of the
YachtFocus App

YachtFocus BotenApp nu ook gratis beschikbaar voor iPhones en iPads

Leestijd: 1 minuut
Botensite heeft haar BotenApp geoptimaliseerd voor Apple-gebruikers. De gratis app bestond al voor Android-gebruikers en is nu ook kosteloos te downloaden bij iTunes.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Comfortis®

Leestijd: 5 minuten
It’s much more pleasant to be on the water when one can truly relax onboard. This is why it is so important to choose sleeping facilities and boat cushions of the highest conceivable comfort. Custom-made slat bases and mattresses of exceptional quality ensure the healthy night’s sleep that guests need to feel fit above deck.

1 April-grappen tussen brancheverenigingen

Leestijd: 3 minuten
Onder de kop 'Einde aan Sloopbotenberg' laat HISWA Vereniging weten een inzamelpunt voor sloopboten te starten op de NDSM-werf in Amsterdam. De naam? NJI.
Ko Nederhoed

Ko en Tjitske van Kuiper Verzekeringen in actie voor de Edwin van der Sar...

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Twee medewerkers van Kuiper Verzekeringen komen in actie en rennen op 2 mei 2015 de Ronde van Oranjewoud (16 km) om geld op te halen voor het goede doel.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Coers Yacht Surveyors

Leestijd: 3 minuten
A professional yacht expert sees details that are not immediately spotted by skippers or buyers. Accompanying a surveyor during an inspection can be a true eye-opener.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: C-Yacht

Leestijd: 5 minuten
The yard behind the C-Yacht brand is Zaadnoordijk Yachtbuilders, one of the most successful and quality oriented yards in the Netherlands. Over nearly seventy years of existence, the company has established a true pedigree in yacht building. Zaadnoordijk has always focusedm on quality and safety, using the latest techniques and with a clear overview of environmental considerations.
Kussen Waterpoort

WIN dit Waterpoort Bootkussen

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Het nieuwe seizoen komt eraan, en wat is er leuker dan de boot aan te kleden met nieuwe accessoires? helpt u alvast op weg. We mogen namens Boatshop Fryslan dit hippe Waterpoort Bootkussen ter waarde van 24,95 euro weggeven!

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Brabant Yachting

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Brabant Yachting has been building its own new motoryachts entirely in-house since 1997. Sustainability and the use of top-quality materials combined with superior craftsmanship ensure an excellent price/quality ratio and many years of sailing fun for owners. A sense of privacy, comfort and space is the starting point for the design of all Spaceline models.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Bonsink Yacht Painters

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Bonsink Yacht Painters is an all-round international painting company that has been specialised in watersports since 1982. Over the years, the company’s specialists have gained extensive experience in yacht construction, both nationally and internationally.
Topwindows op BH

Nooit meer natte raamprofielen aan boord met TOPwindows

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Zeg eens eerlijk: heeft u ook wel eens goed naar de bootramen gekeken? TOPwindows bewijst dat kwaliteitsbootramen van belang zijn en zelfs het verschil kunnen maken.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Barco Marine Equipment

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Barco Marine Equipment, only the best for your boat! Being founded in 1973, Barco Marine Equipment is a well known name in the yachting industry in the Netherlands.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Association for Dutch yachtbuilders

Leestijd: 3 minuten
The NJI branch association represents companies in the Dutch yachtbuilding industry. It has close to 200 member companies that are active in yacht design, hull construction, building/outfitting complete yachts, repair & refit and marine supplies. NJI membership offers yachtbuilders and watersport enthusiasts alike a guarantee of the crucial aspects of quality and craftsmanship.
Brandsma Jachten

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Brandsma Yachts

Leestijd: 3 minuten
Brandsma Yachts is an all-round watersports company, which delivers a unique concept. The firm does not confine itself to the design and construction of luxury motoryachts alone, but offers clients a full range of yacht-related services, such as (engine) maintenance, repairs, paint work and winter storage.
Belgian Boat Show

Gratis naar Belgian Boat Show met Boot Aan Boot

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Hebt u zin om hét Belgische watersportevent van het jaar bij te wonen? Boot Aan Boot geeft gratis toegangskaarten weg.
Brabant Yachting

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Brabant Yachting

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Brabant Yachting has been building its own new motoryachts entirely in-house since 1997. Sustainability and the use of top-quality materials combined with superior craftsmanship ensure an excellent price/quality ratio and many years of sailing fun for owners.
B. van den Hoven

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: B. van den Hoven

Leestijd: 4 minuten
B. van den Hoven Jachtbouw is specialised in the construction of luxury motoryachts in lengths from 15 to 22 metres, and produces some four to five customised yachts a year; dream yachts that meet the demands of the client to a tee.
vimar evo

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: ASA Boot Electro

Leestijd: 5 minuten
ASA Boot Electro is a wholesaler of technical products, materials and systems for yacht builders, installers, service centres and watersport retailers.

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