The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Brandsma Yachts

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Brandsma Yachts is an all-round watersports company, which delivers a unique concept. The firm does not confine itself to the design and construction of luxury motoryachts alone, but offers clients a full range of yacht-related services, such as (engine) maintenance, repairs, paint work and winter storage.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Holterman Shipyard

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Holterman Shipyard is focused on one specific segment: new, luxury yachts from 50 to 100 feet that meet the highest demands and are at home in all waters.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Coers Yacht Surveyors

Leestijd: 2 minuten
A professional yacht expert sees details that are not immediately apparent to skippers or buyers. Accompanying a surveyor during an inspection can be a true eye opener.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Da Vinci Yachts

Leestijd: 3 minuten
Da Vinci Yachts in Heeg builds spacious, modern motoryachts of the highest quality with a classic twist. Since its establishment in 2001, the Frisian yard has been developing yachts that combine superior Dutch quality and exclusivity with sustainability and innovation.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Jachtwerf Grouwstervlet

Leestijd: 3 minuten
Jachtwerf Grouwstervlet, from the Frisian town Grou, has been designing and building elegant yet robust round hull bilge boats (vlets in Dutch) for over 35 years. The first launch took place in 1978, and the yard has been delivering quality boats ever since. As every vessel is custommade, the yard offers every owner a truly one-of-a-kind product.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Damarin

Leestijd: 3 minuten
The traditional yard Damarin is located in Gouda, on the bank of the channelised Hollandse IJssel River. Damarin boats are distinguished by their beauty, quality, handling and thoughtful & comfortable interiors. The yard develops all its products In-house and builds them entirely in the Netherlands.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: De Boarnstream International Motoryachts

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Since its inception in 1964, the family-owned company De Boarnstream in the Frisian village of Jirnsum has grown to become one of the largest Dutch watersport companies. Its exceptional attention to quality and beauty has earned it a variety of awards and a loyal international clientele.

Winactie: win 2 toegangskaarten voor de HISWA 2016

Leestijd: 2 minuten
De HISWA botenbeurs start woensdag 16 maart en eindigt zondag 20 maart. U kunt daar gratis bij zijn!

Gratis naar de Belgian Boat Show

Leestijd: 2 minuten
Op 13 februari opent de Belgian Boat Show voor de 28e keer haar deuren. Als lezer van kunt u de Belgische botenbeurs dit jaar kosteloos bezoeken.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: DMS Holland

Leestijd: 3 minuten
No more dizzy spells. No more UFOs (Unexpected Flying Objects). All thanks to this Dutch company’s ingenious stabilization systems RotorSwing and AntiRoll.

The Dutch yachtig industry in the spotlight: Vri-Jon DSA Yachts

Leestijd: 3 minuten
Vri-Jon DSA Yachts has been active for 30 years as a specialist builder of exclusive steel motoryachts ranging from 10 to 18 metres. With all the required facilities under one roof, the yard offers fl exible and client-oriented services.

The Dutch yachtig industry in the spotlight: Dutchcat

Leestijd: 2 minuten
While catamaran sailing yachts are relatively common, they are rarer in the motoryacht sector. This is surprising considering these types of boats are often much more energy-efficient, more spacious and more stable than mono-hulls. Jan van Eck aims to fill this gap in the market with his brand-new and unique DutchCat.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Elburg Yachting

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Elburg Yachting specialises in selling motoryachts between 10 and 50 metres.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Holland Marine Parts

Leestijd: 3 minuten
Bow and Stern Thrusters have made sailors’ lives much easier since their introduction.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Gruno Motoryachts

Leestijd: 4 minuten
Gruno has been offering a wide range of attractively priced steel motoryachts in lengths from 7 to 18 metres for 45 years. Its motoryachts are characterised by a high degree of comfort and luxury on the water. Owners are ensured of a yacht that combines on board spaciousness and comfort with optimal safety and the most reliable technologies.

Winactie: win 2 toegangskaarten voor Boot Holland 2016

Leestijd: 2 minuten
De grootste stalenmotorbotenbeurs van de Benelux gaat bijna van start! Van vrijdag 12 tot en met woensdag 17 februari wordt Boot Holland gehouden in het WTC Expo Leeuwarden. Heeft u al een bezoekje aan Boot Holland gepland? biedt u de kans deze beurs gratis te bezoeken!

The Dutch yachtig industry in the spotlight: Elling Yachts

Leestijd: 8 minuten
The E-Series Elling Yachts achieve new levels of safety and luxury in contemporary yacht design. They are built by Twaron® to the demanding CE Category A (Open Ocean) standard, making them as tough as lifeboats. Both models come with the option of an auxiliary engine for extra peace of mind when the going gets really tough. Whether you’re going over the Channel or across the pond, you’ll want to experience the year-round luxury of the E-Series.

The Dutch yachtig industry in the spotlight: Euroship Services

Leestijd: 4 minuten
The road to the perfect new yacht can be longer than expected. Even if you find a boat that meets most of your needs, there are usually a number of features still missing. The solution may be a modern yard which allows you to compose your yacht yourself – such as Euroship Services from Heerewaarden. From building kits to pre-fabricated hulls, from technically seaworthy to fully finished, Euroship covers a wide range of options.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Flevo Ship Holland

Leestijd: 4 minuten
As a family business, Flevoship Holland is specialised in the construction of unique custombuilt sailyachts and motoryachts with lengths up to 35 metres. The yard represents quality and craftsmanship, which is reflected in the skills and qualifications of the staff, and by stunning yachts delivered with the utmost precision.

The Dutch yachtig industry in the spotlight: Gebo Marine Glazing

Leestijd: 3 minuten
Gebo Marine Glazing has a clear goal: to supply shipyards and distributors with high-quality windows, hatches, portholes and doors, which meet the specific wishes and requirements of their clients.

The Dutch yachting industry in the spotlight: Hommersom Advocatuur

Leestijd: 4 minuten
What happens if the yard building your expensive yacht goes bust? Or the boat you’ve just bought turns out to have hidden defects or be different from the prototype. It may be time to call in an attorney who specialises in boats. We talked to Frits Hommersom, a colourful lawyer, mediator and columnist.

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